Services: Act.

With the team’s input, we develop an actionable plan to deliver the strategies and solutions outlined when we assess the problem and identify the solutions. And this plan may include criteria to identify the right vendor to build it or how to complement your existing team, and recommendations for vendors. During this step, we orchestrate a way for the team to execute the plan.

We can assume roles in your organization to help you best. Roles can include recruitment guidance, program management, and product management and design. We can help you find other resources as needed in an advisory role.

What we find most enjoyable is working with your team to transform the results gained during this step into customer insights that inspire new projects and products. It starts the process again with a new focus, but that's how you improve.

Outline tactics in a roadmap and define plans


  • List steps and identify processes to achieve the vision and support the strategies defined
  • Participate in workshops to identify priorities 
  • Discuss implementation plans and approaches
  • Determine if tools or processes will help with execution and tracking
  • Discuss vendor criteria and how to staff the project to complement your team
  • With the team, identify success metrics and define measurement reports to help track results of the work completed  

Output or Deliverables:

  • Roadmap 
  • Tactical plans with deliverables and dates 
  • Document that lists vendor criteria, needs, and a list of recommended vendors to interview
  • Success reports
  • Additional deliverables may be included, depending on project scope

How do we do this?  Our process is: Listen. Assess. Identify. Act. Repeat.

1. Listen.

We have expanded the definition of listening to include actions and observation. As we know, actions speak louder than words. Especially in the digital world, actions are the starting point to discover customer motivations and the best way to connect with customers.

View Listen >

2. Assess.

We help you define the problem. After listening to customers, employees, the data, and the situation, we assess the situation. We identify symptoms and determine the root issue. Once we discover that, we identify solutions to solve the problem. Keep in mind that it is easy to identify a symptom; it is hard to discover the root cause of what's happening around you. This is far from trivial work.

View Assess >

3. Identify.

Determine possible solutions to your problem. We'll identify multiple solutions to solve your problem and outline the benefits and challenges of each. We'll discuss all the options and brainstorm new ones so you and your team can decide what is best for your organization. You make the right choice for you.

View Identify >

4. Act.

We work with your team to create an action and implementation plan for your solution (including defined success metrics and identifying ideal outcomes). We'll manage it as well to be sure we meet expectations.

View Act >

5. Repeat.

Once we take action, we start listening and observing results and start the process again. We will monitor what is happening to discover new problems and determine if new symptoms appear. We will then continue work to improve results. Our goal is to ensure incremental progress and improvements.

View Repeat >

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Take the first step and contact us to see if we are a fit for your company and your team.

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Let us help you create better digital customer experiences, build customer relationships, and generate revenue. 

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